I hold you in my hands
And am able to call you my own,
For, my dear, you are mine
And mine you are alone.

I caress your fragile spine
And feel you through and through.
I ask you to take me away
And together we begin anew.

The opportunity for a fresh start,
The promise of unknown lives
That together we embark on
With the plans that you’ve contrived.

I feel safe with you beside me
And can lie to sleep with you here,
For my head is filled with the words you’ve told me
And I have no reason at all to fear.

You comfort me when I’m saddened,
But sometimes you just make me cry worse.
I sometimes look back at all that we’ve been through
And can’t believe at how many trials we’ve traversed.

We’ve battled hardships and follies,
Nonsense and all logical madness.
We’ve fallen to the pit of despair
And risen from the worst of sadness.

But the day becomes dark and dismal
When I must at last return.
Our journey together is over
And the last page is turned.