I felt a funeral in my brain (Emily ***inson First Line Challenge)

I felt a funeral in my brain--
long ago when fate
left (bone-white) reapers in my mind
with far-flung branches; wide
canopies of synapses--
a flock of noiseless
beating wings. Mine
was the slow-acting poison of time.

I felt a funeral in my brain
when I was a child, of (utopian)
belief; a sudden
manifold comprehension--
like falling to the ground;
my revolution of sight, the feel and sound
of meeting Death's swollen breast and char-
coal crusted (squirming) maggot heart.

And after they reaped the last mean traces
of ignorance
and laid the Happy Warrior
to rest, came forth--
(Brown-eyed) Rat, made of steel-plated liquid glass. And
I never felt again.
Nay, Rat that I am, the (anti-hero) can't fear;
Wrecked, solitary, here.
♠ ♠ ♠
If you look closely, every line rhymes but doesn't fell like it does.