I won't care ever again because you don't

I had a heart
It was just fine
I had a best friend
She was like a sister
She crushed my heart
She was you
You betrayed me
You ignored me
I made excuses time after time
But now I'm done
I'm done acting like it's all in my head
I'm done letting you hurt and ignore me
You'll probably ignore this
Or think I'd never write something like this about you
You'll think I love you
Well I am writing this about you
And I don't love you, not anymore anyways
I'm done listening to you tell me about guys you like
I'm done listening to you say how much you love your boyfriend
You don't even know what love is
You haven't even been dating him a month
You loved your last boyfriend too
But once that ended you said you didn't love him you just thought you did
You'll say this is love and I don't know about it because I'm single
I may be single but I know you can't fall in love that quickly
I know you lie and betrayed me
I know you never cared
Well now I'm done caring
Situations will cause us to be together in the future
Of this I am sure
I may act like I'm fine and we're close
But it'll just be acting
I won't care ever again
Because you don't