Sad and Blue

I look on and watch as life passes by.

I try as hard as I can and normally get through.

But you put this pressure, and weight.

My shoulders just cant bare.

You make me feel weak, inadequate and numb.

Make me wish I was never here.

I’d rather be living in the slums.

Then being around you.

You’re making my life so glum and blue.

I wish for just one second, you could see what you put me through.

Just one day and you would see, my life isn’t easy, even though you believe it to be.

You feel like everything needs to be about you and that’s fine and all I just don’t want to be dragged down with you.

I’m going insane, just being near.

One minute your good, the next you’re a pain.

I just wish you’d take the time and realize I cant do this forever.

Stop blaming me for things I didn’t do.

I cant help who I am, I cant help that I grew up and you missed them years.

I cant help that I wanna try and being normal even though I aint.

Cant help that I grew in to an adult that you seem not to like.

Cant help you created and monster and we wear the same face.

Just please lets have a change of pace I’d like to not scream and fight for just a moment.