Forbidden Love

Brighten the dark,
Sing with your soft voice,
The angel's say "Hark!"
And they begin to rejoice.

Your words are a symphony to my ears,
Just like a conductor, ready to go,
Your presence just makes people yell "Cheers!",
And I fear not as our bond continues to grow.

I'd better call the Heavens up there,
For there is an angel on Earth,
God knew I have burdens to bare,
And your warmth is like a hearth.

The Devil has such a grasp on me,
It's no use, our love is forbidden,
An angel, and a demon, we cannot be,
For I may never be forgiven.

A heart that belongs to you,
Is now shared with me,
Demons are not to be in subdue,
But you, let this happen, to be.

I may not go unpunished for my weak,
But for our love, so be it,
A punishment, not a day, nor a week,
But damn all evil, my heart is now alit.

Satan, let me be, just for a life's time,
Even though you have me until the end of Earth.
She's forgiven me for my sin, and crime,
Then you may toss me back into the Hell, the hearth.

Forbidden, we may be,
I want us to happen, to let our love thrive,
I want it to be you and me!
Oh, your love made me dive!

Hell may do it's part,
After our love is through,
Just let the love, my heart!
Just long enough! Just so I can love you!