Sleeping with a Broken Heart

I had a dream about her again
Just like the others, she had no face
This time she broke my heart...
It doesn't stop. 

Reality or not, I'm in pain. Deep pain
I ask myself what do I want
Do I want to move on from this hurt
Or do I want it to continue?

It's love. It's killing me inside
I woke up In the middle of the night
Tears in my eyes, pounding my bed
It's only a dream, but it felt so real. 

I can't help but laugh a bit and smile
Thinking of what we had
thoughts of what could have
I really did love her. Was it to much?

5:14 the clock tells me
I've gotta be up in a few hours
My pillow is soaked, my mind awake
I can't sleep this off. Not like I thought I could.