A Fraction in Time

I saw a red sky yesterday,
it was something different
the thing I would have shown you
Had you not been so busy caught up in your own bullshit.
But it;s easy to pick apart the memories,
sift them into things that make sense when I speak of them;
and these tricks that I use to fool myself
are nothing more than rhymes purchased from gumball 25 cent machines.
Which I swore id never use!
But the thrall of everyday trying to move you,
makes me wonder how I'd ever do without.

So far, I'm stuck,
trying to figure out the best way to say this
while the words that slip from these lips
are nothing more than copyrighted statements
which I have to remember to pay at the end of this.
Because I used to think these words came form air
and the prayer of the morning sun whilst a leaf fell form a overgrown tree
seeing how the heart races at the thought of maybe one day being me
or writing me.

Either way,
it's not so simple to make a statement,
and to frame it on the wall of your mind
takes more nails than I have lines.
Therefore, i rather save ourselves the trouble
to let it go through one ear and out the other.

You see,
I'd rather pretend to hear myself speak
than to constantly seek your unavouwed approval.
I'm tired of of having to wait on blue moons!
No one ever told me youd be this hard to break,
and the stakes on this gamble are more than i can afford..
simple energy lost in effort!

So this is the way it will end,
one foot in front of the other,
one clock hand ticking behind its father;
and as for you, I swear, there'll be blue skies.
♠ ♠ ♠
To be read as a slam poem