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I walked down to the feild and closed my eyes,
hearing every single heart felt good-bye,
The women were crying,
the children were sobbing.
They all asked why?
Why did they have to say good-bye?

The war stole their fathers, husbands and sons
In a far off land. The battle wouldn't be won.
Fight for our freedom is what they were told,
the men never knew they wouldn;t grow old.
Thier lifes were cut short by cold and starvation,
Before the men left it sounded like vacation.

Travel the world fighting and make your country proud
The men were shell shocked by the bombs that were so loud.
The survivors weren't as luck as the ones left behind,
even though they left the war it's always in their mind.
Every time they see the poppies against someones chest,
It's nothing but a reminder of their lifes of unrest.

So, when they go down to the feild and close their eyes,
they hear much more then every single good-bye.
The crying will never silence the guns in their head.