
Off I go to a land far, far away
where clouds turn to seas of blue
and birds are your companions in flight, some owls singing "Hoo-hoo,".

Off I go to a land of dreams,
where no one grows up,
and no grown-ups telling you what to do or what not to do.

Off I go to every kid's dream land
where there are mermaids swimming in the ocean blue
and ticking crocodiles that scares away Hook with a simple "Shoo,".

Off I go to the most wonderful place called Neverland
where lives Peter Pan and the lost boys
with Tinkerbell atop their heads not bigger than a kazoo.

Off you go, my children, learn to fly as Tinkerbell sprinkles her fairy dust on you.
I shall stay here in my chair and await your return when you knock on the window.
But for now, off you go to a place called Neverland where dreams come true

Be careful and I bid you adieu.