I'm not here.

The absence of mind
The fleet of pain
The feeling one of a kind
I do protest, but what is love
Love is grotesque.

The fleet of the mind
The absence of pain
a numbness true to gain.
I do protest this love
Love is invisible.

Time graces these walls of
agony and despair.
lock me up and toss the key
I feel like everyone else, but me

the Lilly's whisper
there sweet sadness of decay.
I will not be the burden
I fade to the background.
To be thin as glass
Shear like paper.

I'm not here I got lost in a shadow of doubt.
I dream t of a place so far and gone
what was real wasn't and what wasn't was.
The chaos of reality pushed away and brand new
I woke up today feeling like the rain
all over the place and consistent
I woke up today wanting to be me but instead I was you.
I'm not here this isn't me. This is not who I'm supposed to be.