
Have you ever known the nights where your stomach houses butterflies? They’re the kind of nights when your heart beat won’t slow no matter how hard you beg, and your lips permanently curl into a grin – The best kind of nights.

I can feel my hands shaking as I move down the stairs, into one of those nights. The warmth hits my face for the first time in hours. We line up, waiting for two young smiles. They’ve grown since I last saw them. “They’re back,” I whisper to myself, “finally back.”

Does your mind ever send you back in time, back to somewhere you thought was long gone? All you can remember is how silly your thoughts used to be; all you can do is shake your head.

As I remember being so young, imagining one day I’d marry this man, I blush a deep, crimson red. Sometimes it’s better that nobody can hear your thoughts.

Has a distance ever felt like light years, even if it’s barely inches? Someone feel so far away, even if you could just reach out and feel them.

I know I haven’t taken a breath since my eyes landed on him. He’s so close, but so far away. He finally reaches me and I’m elated; I reach my hand out in a delirious attempt to touch him. He’s not quite real to me yet, but he laughs. When his lips move, I can’t hear the words.

Have you ever felt like if your heart beat any quicker it may just shatter? The blood pumps so fast, you can almost taste it beating.

His arm is on my waist as we look with a smile. He sings a sweet song meant just for me. It’s short and simple, but still, he sounds like an angel. Why is it so quick? Snap! I’m back to the freezing reality.

Have you ever had one of those nights? The ones you can’t keep up with; the ones that keep you smiling forever? They’re those nights that are as simple as a kiss, or a hug, or a smile, but they mean more than the world to you.

My hero was just as I imagined him to be. I met my Superman without his cape – a night that triumphs all. He sings, and I swear everything is just fine.