Just Like You

As she stares into the grey sky above,
Tears spill down her cheek.
She didn't want to be alone.
Didn't deserve it.

Sitting at the base of a tree
Can't help but wish that
All will be well.

She feels crushed.
But yet, she did nothing to deserve
The pain he gave.

The pain stings inside her,
Stings like a cut, a scar.
Yet it can be healed,
The marks never leave.

As she realizes that
She wasn't meant to be with him,
Can't help but remember how she fell for him,
But he was head-over heels for someone else.

But now, she suddenly can't help but laugh because
Her ex's 'girlfriend' just did the same thing.
She killed him inside.
She can't help but laugh
As she's sayin'
'And I can be cruel,'
'Just like you.'