A Dark Path, Into Light

I walk alone down a lonly path.

After seeing a friend dead in a blood bath.

I can hear noises, slowely heading in my direction.

I let it consume me leaving no affection.

As i walk, i see a faint shadow.

Up ahead in a deathly hallow.

It greets me as if it knew me.

Then I realize it was he.

My dead friend that lives no more.

Facing me and guiding me to a glowing white door.

He tells me to go through.

But I question where it leads to.

He tells me to feel no sorrow.

That I should return it to him as if i had took to borrow.

He opens the door with a blast of wind and white light.

Pushes me in and says hold tight.

I open my eyes to reveal what took place.

To find myself looking face to face.

The mirror that I was looking in to go elsewhere.

Now I realize I went somewhere.

A place that scared me to a point that I realized my wrong.

To a point where I looked up and said thank you and so long.
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you have the power to stay strong