This little girl

Let me tell you the story of a little girl. This little girls parents wanted a baby girl with all their hearts. They got their wish, I wish they hadn't. This little girl was happy until she started school. This little girl was loved by her family, she still is. This little girl captured everyone with her big Hazel eyes. This little girl could've been anything she wanted. This little girl wanted to be a model, it was possible it still is she grew up to be tall, to be skinny, she still captured everyone with her big hazel eyes.This little girl since the age of three always broke down in fits of tears. This little girl always got bullied. This little girl went to high school, she got all the friends she could need. This little girls lost them all. This little girl fell in love. This little girl lost the boy she loved.This little girl was never good enough. This little girl wanted to escape. This little girl soon started to question why she still lived. This little girl tried to kill herself on Friday night. This little girl overdosed on painkillers. This little girl failed. This little girl attempted suicide at the age of fifteen.