Playing Games

I participated as he continued his game of hearts.
However, remained cautious; taking nothing to heart
as I refused to be the first to fall.
Tick tack toe?
I'll be X and you be O.
Hugs and kisses;
I can be your Mrs.
I recieved 3 X's in a row.
Can't keep up as I make my shots.
But still you laughed even when you didn't protect your goal.
I smiled in return as i made my way into your soul;
all the while staying in control.
But tell me who can control love?
And what strategy is their for emotions?
How long do things remain light and easy,
before a little commotion.
But my poker face remained intact.
Or so I thought before he studied me
and gazed into my eyes making me melt.
I lost my composure along with the control I felt.
Soon I layed all my cards on the table
as you looked right through me.
Then I learned how truly playful you can be.
I tried to keep up in this race.
But you began to run a little faster.
Roles change.
We switched positions and you became the puppet master.
The strings I attempted to avoid became attached.
Seems like puppet love to me.
But without the Pinocchio flow because
I'm still waiting for your nose to grow.
I struggle with seperating your lies from your truths.
But still many of my thoughts end with you.
So I participated in his game of hearts.
But now I'm failing to be cautious.
With this game he is relentless.
However, my skills are untamed.
I enjoy playing...
but I fear I won't enjoy getting played.