Coloing the world using only crayons

I wake up one day and notice that everything is all white.
It’s like the color has all been drained from the world.
Staring at the new world I gape and feel at a loss for words.
Untangling myself from the covers of my bed, I get out and start to pace.
What am I supposed to do?
Is there a way to reverse this?
I’m in the middle of pacing back and forth in my room when I see a box of crayons on the ground.
The box itself isn’t colored but the crayons are.
That’s peculiar.
I grab the box, pull out a red crayon and experiment with it on the wall.
I draw a streaky line.
To my surprise the wall now has red on it.
I take my box of crayons and decide that I shall remake this world.
Using only crayons!
I color in my room, doing my best not to squander my crayons.
Once it’s done I go out and start to color the bark of a tree.
I climb up the tree then and use the green to color in the leaves.
Crossing the street, I see a stop sign.
No color for a sign as important as it won’t do, I immediately get out my red crayon and start to color it.
I smile at my work once it’s done.
Now people won’t get confused.
I look up at the sky and wonder how I can color it.
There doesn’t seem any way to do it.
I sigh it’ll have to remain uncolored.
Then an idea hits me.
I act on it quickly.
In a hot air balloon, I stretch my hand out and use the light blue to color in the sky.
I manage to do a lot of the sky.
There’s no way I can do it all though.
That would be unfeasible.
The next day I wake up and notice that more of the world has been colored in.
Frowning I look around and see that there are children using crayons, just like me.
I smile and see that they had the same idea as me.
With them on my side this world will be back to normal.
Well as normal as it can get when the world is being colored by children.
There may be a stray purple tree here and there or a blue stop sign but that’s okay.
The world is more fun when all of us have different imaginations.
So what if it doesn’t look the “right” way?
Everyone will get used to it, because something happened that wasn’t exactly planned.
In this new world, the more imagination one has the better off we all are.
It’s true life isn’t the same but it isn’t bad.
In fact, life has just gotten a little more interesting.
I smile at the new crayon colored world and think that every day will bring something new.