Clean & Fear

Her bruises were never seen,
Underneath was dirty, but she looked so clean.
No one ever saw those tears,
No one ever saw those eyes full of fear.

She hated going back everyday,
Not knowing what would come her way.
A fist to the face?
Or the chest for no trace?

For years and years this would happen,
For years she would go in her world and pretend.
She would close her eyes from reality,
To a place where she is scar free.

She was maimed from neck to knees,
She was the only one that sees.
No one ever heard the screams and cries,
If she told she was telling "lies".

Will you believe the little girl now?
After you seen the bruise on her brow?
The abuse has happened for years,
I'm the little girl that shall never again cower in fear.