Find the beauty in me

Hope is deception
As hate is insecurity
People aspire in pain
Most conform to society

Our actions aren't sincere
our feelings are never reveled
No one can go beyond appearance
Our shells are never peeled

No one cares to delve deeper
Maybe no one feels the need
Very few establish their own path
Most fancy just following the lead

Society has taken away all optimism
Stolen all my tears
Brought me further down
I'm fucked for the rest of my years

Beauty is abundant
Everywhere, it is plain to see
I wish one person would tell me
Darling, be what you wish to be

Beauty is infinity and beyond
But people look with blurry eyes
Can no one find the beauty in me
Tell me i'm worth something, even if it's lies

I wish for someone to need me
someone to smile when they see me, how cute that would be
Sweety, I'm just like everyone else
Please, at least try to find some beauty in me!
♠ ♠ ♠
Just got kind of bored.