Us Together Forever

I picture you and me together
Everything about you make’s my body shiver
It’s you I want in my world
It’s you that I love.
It’s you I want
It’s you I need
It’s you I miss

Everything I think about has you in the picture
It’s you that I want everything with.
Nothing can change that because
You’re my everlasting friend my love
My life my EVERYTHING in life
I can’t stand a day with out seeing you
How do you expect me to live with out you?

Why do you expect me to leave with out you?
I can’t be miles away from you. It’s killing
Me that I am miles away from you id walk the
Whole world to find you baby. Nothing can
Change my mind from not seeing you, loving you,
Missing you, needing you, wanting you.
♠ ♠ ♠
i made this poem because i wanted to see my boyfriend and i hadn't for a while :(