Never Lie

Know that I would never lie to you.
Know that I'd never try to hurt you in anyway.
You told me you were spilt in two.
And for that I try not to cry everyday.
Please don't leave me here by my self.
We both know we couldn't handle letting go.
And i promise we can't make it by ourselves.
I didn't know he could sink so low.
I don't want to put anymore pressure on you.
But there are things i need to learn.
If he streached the turht what would you do?
If he hurt me would you be concerned?
And I know you'd always be there for me.
I need to know who you believe.
That lying friend of yours or me?
But I deserve what I recive.
I've had this scarey feeling.
And I don't like it one bit.
All the love you've been stealing.
This feeling doesn't fit.
Fit in with our relationship.
I know what really happened, too.
There will be no suicide to commit.
Just know I'd never lie to you.
But I under stand if you choose what you choose.
I really do.
So our relationship though.