Ocean Depths

Scared feral girl, hiding from monsters of the blue.
If you can see her back, then she's running from you.
Her eyes reflect death, her eyes reflect Hell,
I'm sure she has a milllion tales that she would never tell.

Running from her demons, she plummeted into the deep.
"Kill the bitch, kill the bitch!" they chanted through her screams.
"Let her blood run through fire and over stone
Now rip the whore apart and sew strings through her bones.
Now play the bitch like a puppet, she won't make a sound.."
Jumped in after her, all who reached for her drowned.

Stronger than the ocean, weaker than a moth,
Head held over the blue abyss, holds her head until she's lost.

Staring at her shipwrecks, looking at the damage,
She realizes she was just a board, merely loose baggage.

Set fire upon the rocks, blows away with the sand,
Finally let go, but never held anyone's hand.