Rest in Peace

And so it is,
Another branch wilted
On my family tree;
Another star gone out
In my family sky.

Did I talk to you enough?
We may not have been
Massively close,
But you were blood -
The love was implied.

Funny that,
How I only remember now,
That you'd say hello
Whenever you'd see me;
And how much I';m going to
Miss it.

Who next, eh?
Whose light will be extinguished
Oh look, I'm becoming
Bitter already.

I'm not religious,
No, not at all;
But I still hope you're safe
Wherever you are

This is why, though,
I don't believe.
The good are always taken
How is that fair?

Why not the murderers,
The rapists or the thieves;
Wife beaters
Child beaters
Animal beaters?
Why the good instead?

And I sit
Piecing myself back together
Putting on a brave face
Because life's supposed
To go on, isn't it?

And it's so sad
Because you were family,
And though I feel
Like I hardly knew you,
None of that matters
Because you're gone.

We're incomplete -
You can't come back,
No matter how many times
We ask.
Goodbye, Uncle;
We'll always miss you.