Hello Dad...

Hello Dad remember me, I’m your child,
Hello Dad remember me I’m the one you lied to,
Hello Dad remember what you last told me,
Hello Dad remember that you killed me inside,

Hello Dad Where are you, I thought you wanted to fix things,
Hello Dad Where are you, I thought we were going to counseling,
Hello Dad Where are you, please don’t leave me again,
Hello Dad where are you, you have ruined my life once more,

Hello Dad what are you doing, I’m sitting in hospital,
Hello Dad what are you doing, I attempted suicide,
Hello Dad what are you doing, I don’t want to be alive,
Hello Dad what are you doing, You have hurt me deep inside,

Hello Dad I don’t need you, I have my mum,
Hello Dad I don’t need you, I feel better now,
Hello Dad I don’t need you, you’re a pathetic being,
Hello Dad I don’t need you, you fucked up my life, but I’m back on track.

Hello Dad How do you feel, I don’t need you no more,
Hello Dad How do you feel, I’m moving on,
Hello Dad How do you feel, me and mum are fine,
Hello Dad How do you feel, I have quit self harming.

Hello Dad thought I would just let you know,
I don’t need you, you can’t control me no more,
My life is back on track and I’m not hurting myself no more,
I have stopped cutting and the drugs and I don’t even need pills,
I don’t feel a mess and I feel better in myself,
Yes you hurt me, physically and emotionally,
But I’m getting over your immature games,
If you ever grow up maybe we can fix it,
But right now all I need is my mum,
So Dad I guess this is goodbye,
I guess I will see you in hell.