
A slap in the face,
A shove into the fridge,
Mommy you kill me,
With every hit.

No Blood no foul,
No brusie you lose,
As long as their are no marks,
Your okay.

But what about my head mommy.
Wht about the hate you brewed.

What about the voices Mommy,
They tell me to kill you.

Shoved up the stairs,
Hit in the face,
Cursed out so badly,
I want to end my life.

The hate grows worse,
The voices louder.

Until Mommy im sorry,
Isn't enough.

I hate you mommy,
Daddys dead.
Where do i go Mommy.
You don't want me here.

I'm sorry mommy i didn't mean to,
I'm am sorry mommy it was an accident.

It's over mommy,
those shoves hurt,
i'm leaving Mommy,

Though i know you won't care.

I took the whole bottle, Mommy,
I will see you in hell.
♠ ♠ ♠
i dont even know, But these are extremly old feelings i guess.