The girl

Look in her eyes,
Do you see the despair,
So wise,
But it is all lies.

She doesn't mean to lie and deceive,
But she was told so much,
She thinks it's the truth,
It's like her brain is cold to the touch.

She beats herself up,
When ever she's wrong,
So scared of a screw up,
She won't try for long.

She wants to help,
But it seems like she does more damage than not,
She doesn't know what to do,
It's like she's got the flu,
And she repels people.

She doesn't mean to lie and deceive,
But she was told so much,
She thinks it's the truth,
It's like her brain is cold to the touch.

She's in her own little world,
Where she is okay,
She's in her own little world,
Where there is no hate.

She always turns to the blade,
It makes the mental pain fade,
Cause try as she might,
She just can't do it right.

The girl loses herself to the lies,
The lies that she was taught to believe.

The girl closes her eyes and cries,
Because she can't see.

The girl giave up on herself,
and walked away.