We Go About Life...

We go about life wonderin' what it means
To see, hear, love and so many other things
We waste our time searching-searching for "the one"
And investing our hearts into whoever comes along
We forget what loves is, we forget how it feels
To be willing to give your life-give your all- all that's real
Instead we go around and many hearts do we steal
We don't care about their pain, about their life
Or anything else. We care only about our gain
About their captivity and chains
To which we caused-yes, we are the ones to blame
Do you see it as a victory, like you won this fight?
Or do you see it as a tragidy? We're the bullets in their mind
This isn't a club, this isn't a game
But rather reality, and boy is it lame
But we can make a difference, but first we must change
We must be willing to seek forgiveness and cling to purity
It may sound like a scam, like a nasty little plan
Because this world has been crippled to God's plan
How does that make you feel?
Who do you think you are?
Do you really even know or are you claiming what others say?
Are you living a life which makes aa difference?
Are you living a life that it taking away pain?
If you're not than give it a try today.