When Tables Have Turned

Sometimes I think you should walk away from me
Take a break, just let it all go.
So that way, it won't come as a shock when suddenly
I turn to give you the final blow.
You met me at a young sixteen
Knew my name and tried to know my heart
But how could you know I was in between
The wrongs and rights of an acid dart?
And so I shot you with no remorse
Took what never should've been mine in war
And I was proud, though evanescent of course
At what I took and begged for more.
You didn't read any warnings I shot
Within my smiles and sincerity I lacked
I was so obvious, though obviously not,
Because you fell beneath my rose lens attack
I could've stopped the games I always played
But what fun would that be, my dear, my love?
It's your fault your reactions were so delayed
It's your fault you're all I can think of.

Come back and please be mine baby,
I've changed my ways, please be mine.
Look in my eyes, they're different lately
This quick beating heart of mine is a sign.
If you don't believe, still don't walk away
I can prove my obsession is not just lust
Come back to me for just one more day,
It's all I need to gain back your trust.
No, no, you just can't leave me all alone
I thought you gave your heart to me
What spare key have you in that weak stone?
What secret passage have you denied me to see?
I admit, fine, I'm horribly deceitful
But this time I mean it, no really, I do
What we could have is wonderful, beautiful
Just say you love me like I need you.

How could you be so ungrateful?
I made you! You're nothing, I swear!
You've been nothing but unfaithful
It's almost as if you never cared.
But can't you see how good I was?
Look at you now, filled with confidence
I did all for reason, as everyone does
This blood I bleed is crimson evidence.
You're evil to leave me like this
When all I wanted was a home to sleep
In safe arms and maybe a sweet kiss
But I should've known it would've been too deep.
You couldn't handle all I had to give
You barely even knew your own name
How sorry are you to now start to live
And leave me in dust with one secret shame?
You're clever for sure, I do not belie
I'm admirable to say the absolute least
But if you walk away, know I'll deny
Every moment we spent as the two-backed beast.

But why come to that sweetheart?
Let's avoid this deleterious behavior
And give our hearts time to restart
Just do me this small favor
Why would you choose not to?
Aren't we both unlucky hedonists?
Our time spent is so long overdue
We both deserve a tortured bliss.
So don't you dare leave me behind
I swear, I'll kill you first.
If you say all feeling had has died,
Then we'll both leave this house in a hearst.