Torture me.

Torture me
fucking torture me
fucking torture me
fucking torture me
fucking torture me

Bind my feet,
blind my stare.
Stifle my voice,
laugh at my trifle struggle.

Chain me up,
lock me down.
Shackle my legs,
with a hundred fucking pounds.

I know I can't leave you,
I don't want to.
Don't toy with me,
tell me true,
do you need me as much
as I need you?

I just want to hear I love you,
I just want to know you love me too.
Still you fucking torture me,
to the point where I can't breathe.

So fucking torture me,
torture me.
I won't leave,
you know I can take it.
I'll fight to hear you say it
I know that I'll make it.