Cry For You

Sunny days
Filled with love
Sent from the angels
Of up above
Sweet words
And dazzling eyes
Shy, quiet boy
This is your disguise
Stupid actions
And breaking up
Angry words
I've had enough
Long phone call
I'm yelling at you
But how was I to know
What you would do
You yelled at my mate
You fucking prick
If you don't get this message
You must be fucking thick
I won't stand for this
Not one litte bit
Don't try to talk to me
Coz i don't give a shit
I will cry for you
Never again
I hope the grog
Increases your pain
Vindictive bitch
Yes I am
Gigantic wanker
Come be a man
Stand before me
I'll say what you'd won
Then fuck off
Coz we are DONE!