Of All The Things I Miss

Of all the things I miss
you I miss the most
Of all the things that hold my heart
you hold most of it (even if I don't want you to)
Of all the things that scare me in life
trusting you with my heart is one of the most terrifying things
Of all the things I want to do in life
you encourage me the most
Of all people I wish loved me
you are the one I want most
Of all the things I should be doing at 3 am
thinking of you is what I do
Of all the things I want to do
you tell me I can
Of all the people that have told me things
you are the one I listen to most
so why is it that I am so scared to accept
why is it so hard to know
that you know me
and that you might not destroy my heart
you might like me too
you might care
I might get to know you as well as you say you know me