A lost cause

you complain of the pain in your heart
but have you bothered to compare it to the pain in her wrists
look at the blood seeping down from the self-inflicted gashes
then tell me about a hurting soal
you wortheless piece of shit you dont know pain
you never will
look at the scars across her body
across her arms, legs, chest, shoulders
you bitch about guys and clothes
while she cries over the pain of soon-to-be-death
you feed off of pathetic adoration and false comments
while one real truth could save her from death
her heart is getting full from the melted ice in her mind
it seems that there is no escape for those like her
and maybe there isnt,
but you wouldnt know would you
so tan there and watch her drown in her tears
pretend that you care while your texting all the while
you dont care and dont you dare cry
when she says her final words and slips into death
because you wernt strong enough to use your needle and thread
to stich her heart shut