The Golden Parade

Are you hunting for love the way I once did?
Well upon that path no light is shed.
Dreary by day, gloomy by night.
Spirits fill our hearts with toil and fright.
But love, oh it comes so easy!
Like a summer wind, warm and breezy!
Cast your crowns upon the sands..
Use your voice and lift your hands!
Praise God above you have one more day!
And thank him for the price he paid!
Dying on a cross for sinners like us.
Bound to last for eternal trust..
Songs filled with melody, pleasure so gay!
Rejoice to the Lord on this righteous day!
Behold! Behold! God's kingdom has come!
For my Lord, my God, loves everyone!
Prepare for the day of true life's test..
And if you pass: Eternal Rest.
Rest in meadows of flowers and gold!
Colors so bright and wondrous to behold!
God, He is here! Rise up! Cry out!
Beneath lowly stars, He hears our great shouts.
Praises and Joy, we bring to his throne.
Trumpets of gold, oh, how they drone!
Angels of satin, all dancing about!
Joyously singing for Him, Lord above doubt!
My God! He turned water to wine!
This Man of Truth, he is no shrine!
Lay down your repentents, cast them to Him.
For He brings great peace, and love to within.
So if you are searching for love all alone,
Reamember that God's here, in His kingdom above.