My Greatest Sin

Was not letting go,
my greatest sin?
Then mark me as a disgrace
My hand still clamped tight

Your hesitation...Your frustration

I was the only one reaching
So was not letting go
my greatest sin?
This corrupted soul unworthy of
being cleared of all the shame

Chocking on the truth
Coughing up words of promise
Biting back the taste of remorse

So not letting go was my greatest sin?

Damn me a sinner,
Abolish my innocence
This corrupted soul unworthy of
being cleared of all the shame
Yet my hand still clamped tight.
♠ ♠ ♠
Sorry it's kinda short....

I hope you got the message of it >.< Its supposed to be about the girls greatest sin being not leaving her boyfriend who didnt love her back and she knew it but she still held on~