Dear Heart Killer, Thank You For Stepping On The Organ That Keeps Me Alive

I thought you'd changed
But you're still the same old you
I thought we'd still be together
But you brushed me away, like I was trash

And yes, I do understand that's what I am

I'm a mess
I'm fucked up
I'm nothing
I'm a waste of air
I'm useless
I'm yours.

You said you loved me
Then you backhanded my heart
You broke the jar it was kept in
I'm just mad about all the blood on the carpet
Why behave like this?
I shouldn't whine I'm used to it

I'm stupid
I'm a freak
I'm pathetic
I'm selfish
I'm a basket case
I'm yours.

You poisoned me
You pushed me out of the window
You stomped on my heart
You left me to die
And yet I'm still running back
I'm still running back to you
You're amazing
I'm addicted
'Cus your my drug
You're a wonderful drug
And I don't mind the side affects
I'm lovin' every minute of it
Now I don't care when you turn nasty

I'm self obbsessed
I'm trashy
I'm cheap
I'm unclassy
I'm fucked
I've been mind raped
You've scared me
But I love it.

Sweet love
You're such a cherry, you're so beautiful
I'm awful.

It's awful.

Feels awful.

♠ ♠ ♠
This is one of many poems. Enjoy, folks.