Thank You

From the moment I stepped into this world,
you knew my every thought, my every world,
my every decision.
In times or darkness where I don't have the strength to cry,
you're there, holding my hand.
In times where I simply want to scream to the world everything on my mind,
you're there with me.
You were there in the times when my tears
were mixing into the blood on my wrists,
and you were there when I was
holding lit matches against my legs and starving myself.
When I screamed at the world to leave me alone, you didn't give up.
You kept me breathing,
and gave me the strength to get out of bed just one more time.
The nights where I sobbed myself to sleep in my pillow,
and dug needs into my skin, you stood by me,
keeping air in my lungs.
Though the days when I couldn't look at anyone
without tears welling up in my eyes, you watched over me.
When I swallowed the handful of pills,
you caught them halfway down my throat, and saved my life.
You steadied my hand when I slit open my wrists,
so I wouldn't cause as much damage as I wanted to.
God, you've been there and have seen it all;
the good, the bad and the lethal.
You've held me up above the dangers of my actions,
and you'll do so for the rest of my days. Thank you...