A Poem For Poppa

I remember that day when I said goodbye,
the two of us had tears in our eyes.
I remember how tightly I held your hand,
I stayed by your side and didn’t even stand.
I remember how I had so much to say,
but so little could be said through all the tears that day.
I remember the night when you passed on,
thunder roared and in an instant you were gone.

I never thought in exactly five months time
I’d be sitting in my bedroom writing this rhyme.
I never thought that you wouldn’t be here,
but everyone tells me you will always be near.
I never thought I’d be so miserable, angry, and sad;
it’s been a battle living without you, it really has been bad.
I never thought I’d feel so empty like a hole is in my heart,
without you in my life, there is a missing part.

Although I can no longer be with you or see you every day,
our relationship will never die; forever that bond will stay.
Although I may get better, although I may start to cope,
I’ll always be thinking about you, and yes, on some days I’ll still mope.
Although you want me to be happy and wouldn’t want me to be like this,
I simply cannot help it because there is far too much of you that I miss.
Although you were my grandpa, you were also my father and friend;
you are my life, you always said I was yours, and our love will never end.
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Tell me what you think. I'm actually proud of this poem. My heart really went into it. It's truly how I feel.

xoxo - C h r i s t i n e