
My radio picks up sounds
which could only be voices
When scarlet rain sings
Tunes in a rythmic parallel
Telling copious quantities 
Of their nightmarish dreams

In a dream I was a behemoth
My spirit stuffed with splashy delight
Though if gaped inside,
viewed patched battle wounds
Gushing flesh from every monsterious fight

Lemon lightning stricks down, we frantically run now
Hear children playing useing bantering words
 i'll hide inside my shadowed room, frantically chokeing; this is a womb

Watch as streams of joice trickle out, All hope lost 
various equations doubt 
that this is the climax,i still am tripping 
Traceing  skyward the red thats driping 

So Ima wash it  off though
Wait for a full moon
Turn into a werewolf
I won't be back so soon