Life of Nothing

You see, just staying in your room doesn't do much, but drive you closer to suicide.
They say its for your own good, but do they not see what being in a place like this does to a teenager.
They say it changes you for the better.
I swear they pretend not to see how badly it changes most of these teens.
As i lay here with blood on my wrist.
The stinging tells me I'm not dead yet.
The scary thing is at this point in time i dint care if i hit a major vein.
If i do i know i wont be here. I'll be gone. Gone in to the darkness.
I tried telling them i cant be alone. I cant.
I drag myself down.
The screaming voice in my head. telling me to just cut a little deeper.
Just watch the blood drip down. Just let the tears fall from your eyes.
Now you see that if i go they will miss me for a while but sooner than later they'll get over it. I'll just be a memory.
Someone that might come up in conversation every once in a great while.
So leaving this place called home doesn't sound all that bad.
I'll just lose myself in the blade.
I'll cry myself to sleep every night until they notice.
Then maybe they'll finally listen to the words that i never have the balls to say.