The King

Do you know what it's like to bleed?
Open your heart to someone who promised
the world
but only gave you Hell?
I thought I knew him.
King of Heaven
King of Hell
King of Angels
King of Prophets.

He made me feel like a goddess.
He made me feel like someone loved me.
I thought I knew him.
No, KING of God or the Gods or both.
My Ra,
The one I worship.

But he's leaving again.
He's leaving for the first time.
This time on the aeroplane.
There are tellys in back of all the seats in front
But Rodney and Dell won't do.

I'll miss him
there is not much I can do
just sit and wait
for the next kid
Was he a kid?
For the next king
of Heaven
of Hell
of Angels and Prophets,
of God or Gods
or both.

But I cannot let go
of the balmy nights we
shared so perfectly.

Notice that I am the pieces to a puzzle
in the wrong box.

Is it yours?
Or his?

Hello Angel.