My Letter To Her

Dear ****,
Your eyes are like sunsets.
I should know, I look into them every day.
You laugh is a melody, rising from your scarlet lips.
When you speak my name, my heart flutters.
Your gentle graze is more then I can bear.
To everyone, I'm tough, spotless, indestructible.
But you prove that wrong..
When I'm with you, I melt into a pool of sunlight.
Your soal glows with beauty,
reaching though my eyes and into my heart.
Your breath is the wind under Angel's wings,
filling my lungs with hope.
Your smile pulls at my heart,
reminding me of what twas given unto this world; Love.
Your beautiful, perfect skin appears in my dreams,
kissing my skin with your touch.
Your eyes are sapphires of blue,
gleaming against the darkness I feel when I'm not with you.
Your pupils sparkle against the blackness of my heart;
A heart not worthy of such indescribable love.
Many a person doth walk among this twilight ridden world,
with hearts of despair and agony.
But my cold soal hath found warmth in the embrace
of your heart, tucked gently under your breast.
Your legs are like stars, plastering the night with grace.
Your torso is a beautiful array of dancing rives,
carving life out of air,
bringing you to a physical being.
Your breasts are like two fawns, bringing new life to the world.
And your eyes are fields of clover, glistening with inspiration.
I hope one day with will walk together, hand in gentle hand.
But until that day, I shall admire your exquisiteness from afar.