Depression in my head

I wake up, tired.
I drag myself into clothes that will hide my scars.
My jeans are dirty and loose, and my t-shirt is old.
I rub on some deodorant, cause I don;t want to go downstairs yet.
I brush my hair, not washing it today.
I stare myself in the mirror for a moment,
just to stare...
I go downstairs and sit on the couch.
It's 6:30, so I'll be here for an hour
'till I have to leave for school.
I just sit, and sit and sit.
Stare at the wall.
My sister eats breakfast.
I'm hungry, but I don't want to eat.
I hate eating.
At school, I do my assignments quietly.
I get taunted and made fun of.
When I go to my locker, I had to look at the
scratched out "FAG" that got scratched in the other week.
I put on my sweatshirt, but leave my backpack.
I walk home silently.
When I get home, I fall asleep on the couch.
Dinner, I have to explain to my mom why I'm not hungry.
I tell her I had a big lunch.
But I haven't eaten all day.
At night, I crawl into bed and lay there till everyone is asleep.
Sometimes, I'll go into the bathroom and tear my arms and legs up.
But not tonight.
Tonight I'll just lay in the darkness 'till I fall asleep.

Rinse (your wrists)
And Repeat.