Dressed in black

Hey can i have one hug tomorrow
To make me warm and hold my sorrow
Can i freeze this picture and hold onto it
Till when I look back and see how much harder i shouldve tryed
Found out to late that your my rose and some how i always felt like your thorn
I wish i could travel back in time
To scratch out each hiden sign
This shouldve never happened its all my fault
It was punctuated and in neon captions
I wish i knew when you told me not to care that was a hint you needed me just alittle more
You knew Id do anything
And i was always here
But its my fault for not being more clear
I shouldve sat you down and had a talk
Make you stare me in the eyes
And not let you block what was behind your defensive mind
I knew you never where mad but you made me feel like it
I saw the hurt you put on both wrists day after day
I know i never showed it but i think it hurt me more than you having to see you that way
Wish i wouldve spent alittle more time and tryed harder and gave you all i could 'cause maybe you'd be here when you where needed
And not me having to say this staring at this peice of wood