Your a Player.

This thing I got for you,its called a crush,
I think its cute the way you smile, or the way you blush.
The way u look at me,
the way I look at you,i think its kinda funny,
How neither of us know,
How I never let you go.

Now when I smile at you,
You just look away,
I thought we had something,
I thought you would stay,
Turns out,
You didn't even know my name.

We sat together in class,
I saw you writing my name,
I see,
You were just playing your game,
Playing with my heart,
and Pushing is around.
Like a roller coaster that goes up and down.

So when you smiled at me,
I just looked away,
You thought you we had something,
You thought I would stay.
See not all boys are players,
but you were one,
You used to have all the girls,
now you have none.