Please, don't leave me..

I know life has been hard for you, two.
People haven't treated you fairly.
You were making it through the days,
but only just barely.

I got the news from a friend,
who told me you over-dosed.
My world stopped turning,
I guess that's how these things go.

You're laying in a hospital,
unconscious, semi-alive.
A tube is down your throat,
your heart can hardly thrive.

You'd swallowed countless pills,
to end the life you knew.
But if you both should leave,
I don't know what I'd do.

We were never really close,
not the best of friends.
But I promise that will be different,
if you just give life a chance.

There's not much more to say,
but a few words of prayer.
You guys may not believe this,
but we all truly care.
♠ ♠ ♠
Cynthia, Miranda, please don't die... This world needs you. </3