Dear God, Save The Damned.

When I give silence a minute,
and stop to hear the quiet.
It reminds me of the people,
I should pray for tonight.

The people who are hurting,
the people who are damned.
Those who spend tonight alone,
and those being slammed.

I think of all the hatred
the world has seen today.
I try to stop the cycle,
but it seems there is no way.

Abuse, rape and murder,
all remind us of real pain.
And many of us wont see
the light of another day.

Cancer is taking lives,
and whisking dreams away.
Standing 'round a coffin,
there isn't much to say.

People are swallowing pills,
and holding razors to their wrists.
Too much pain will drive them to
want to end all this.

So God, I pray you hear me,
I pray you help me out.
With all this hurt to look at,
my heart fills up with doubt.

God, cure the blind a deaf,
give them sound and light.
And the people who see no way out;
Watch over them tonight.