I can't be...

I know it hurts
I'm such a jerk
I don't mean to be,
but I rub it in your face

I wish I could sweep you into my arms
make everything okay
I just can't...
I can't make myself love you
That isn't fair...
Not to me
Not to you

Don't feel bad
Stop thinking about me
It'll never happen and I'm so sorry
I just don't feel the same way
The way you feel about me

I'm not mad
I'm not creeped out
Nothing will change between us
I just feel guilty...

Guilty because I'm breaking your heart
Guilty because I'm causing you pain
Guilty because I can't make myself love you
No matter how hard I try,
I can't create the sparks
If it's meant to be
They'll create themselves

I'm sorry
I am so dearly sorry
Please forget about me...
Please let me stop breaking your heart...