The First Time

I look down to see your face appear on my phone
My heart leaps as I answer the call
"Hello?" I say quickly
"Hey my dear." Your voice perkily replies
I'm head over heels, I think to myself
By God I'm so in love with you
"The plane just landed, I think I'll be out soon."
Soon, out soon
How long have I been waiting for a moment like this
Something to treasure forever
If I could
I'd video tape this moment, every second
And I'd watch it until my eyes bled
"Sounds good, see you." I mumble before hanging up
It's the anticipation building up
The pure spur of the moment reaction to seeing you walking toward me
In the flesh, the girl I love
And before I know it I'm buried in a tearful embrace
As you kiss my head and I cling to your warmth
It's a perfect moment
In the airport with you
As we hug for the first time in our life
You have your suitcases by your side
And we rush to the car
Stealing glances at each other every few seconds
Reality can be an amazing thing
Especially when things become magical
When two people make things happen
Things that years ago would be only the imitation of impossible
You turn on the music
I pull out of the parking lot
And we're on the road
I don't need to glance at my phone to see you anymore
We don't need to video call each other to be able to date
Sneak those late phone chats and stay up texting until our fingers numbed
We don't need to endlessly talk about our dreams of meeting
About all the things we're going to do 'someday'
It isn't necessary, not anymore
I rest my hand on top of yours
Letting our eyes lock for a second
"Hey listen." You say
"What is it?"
A smile plays on your lips as you turn up the radio
A blush makes its way to my face
You open your mouth
I open mine
As we sing along to our song