Let Me Be

Did you really love me
or was i just your stupid game,
Was i someone for you to play with
for the days that it would rain,
Some stupid fucking issue i
is all that ive become,
Because everything we had
is over its done,
Do you even care that it hurts
or care that i cry,
Or everytime i talk to you
i just wanna die,
So was i your little experiment
that messed up and did something wrong,
For it was suppose to be a trial
but love followed along,
Now i feel stupid
pathetic and dumb,
Because i let my heart love you
and now it is numb,
Im tired of feeling played
just leave me on a shelf,
Becuase i rather be alone
then have love damage my health,
So leave me here to cry
and sit in my misery,
For if you really love me
you will let me be...