Dream - Nightmare

I was stuck inside a dream
helpless, scared, and alone
I was so invisible
like i couldnt be shown,
I tried hard to make them notice
and tired hard to make them see,
But everytime i cried in pain
they all just walked through me,
Some dream this was suppost to be
or as some would say nightmare,
For dreams are suppost to be happy
not leave you forever in scare,
But the silence is so loud
when all you haves depression,
Just get me out of this hole
relieve me of my tension,
The results of me are shameful
but nothing positive can come from this,
Stuck inside a murderous world
it started by deathly kiss,
Ill slowly die tonight
as ill think of all of you,
To all the ones that hurt me
and put me to this doom,
I cant take it anymore
the pain is just to much,
So which should i reach for
knife or gun for clutch,
The pain will be over soon
for not only me but you,
For ill be out of your nightmare
and youll be out of mine too...