So Close: Possibility

Moments like these
Should never end
You flip the page
Let your voice
Carry away the words
His writing is beautiful
His writing speaks to us
In ways we cannot speak to each other
They warn me
Not to fall
But the way your brown eyes warm
Into my green
I am forever in a trance
That day at the library
With books to comfort us
I finally had hope
A hope of being
That I'd never experienced before
We could be so much
Make the world
Burn with an envy
Love is such a precious thing
I'd never been so close
To a possibility
I grasped it
It wasn't enough
Moments like those
Always end
The next days
Were filled with doubt
And much pretend
I'm still unsure
You know that
I try to find comfort
In the words that I just
Heard coming from your lips
But nothing helps
Emptiness is something I drown in
As I wonder what it is
That makes me...
Like you so much still